One of our corporate clients has ordered 54 units of boltless rack with metal capping shelves since end of August. There were a lot of issues prior to the delivery or handover of this job:
- floor loading, i.e. client is having raised flooring, which has a limitation of loading weight on the floor. However, client has settled this issue with the contractor, by add in more steel to enchance the structure of the flooring.
- Service lift out of service upon delivery. We have no choice but to request to use the other customer lift, but this request was rejected by the management. Finally, our client make an request to the management themselves, and we were allowed to use the customer lift temporary.
- The uneven flooring make the boltless rack affect the stability of the boltless rack. However we have tide them up with screw which make the boltless rack more stable.
In short, we have spend 3 days to complete the delivery and installation process. Thanks to our client for giving us a chance to supplies the boltless rack.